Research Tools
overleaf, 常用数学符号的 LaTeX 表示方法, latex-online-editor, latex-color-font, mathcha-online-editor, [userguide, plot-example], beamer-user-guide
phrasebank, paraphraser, Research writting outline, Craft of Scientific writting, Scientific writting v2, Brief writing outline
matplotlib, pyx-examples, pyx-colors, pyx-colorbars [code,], pyx-selfuse, pyx-MPI, gnuplot-tutorial, Tikz-notes, colormatch, AxGlyph-video-tutorial,
Numerical Softwares
Quantum transport
Kwant [kwant-online-examples; mini-workshop], TKwant, pybinding,
Non-linear physics
DynamicalSystems.jl, DynamicalBilliards.jl,
Service [slurm]
SLURM使用手册, 服务器与SLURM的使用, SLURM集群用户使用指南,
Basic-physics Knowledge
Fundamental Knowledge
单位制, 物理常数-高斯积分和希腊字母表, 复数和函数[Detailed], 积分-求和及微积分结果, 特殊函数, 矢量-矩阵和群论, 经典力学的哈密顿公式, 数学恒等式
Some links of interest
Links of Softwares
ITensor, Jupyter, pyqula, quantum-lattice,